Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Call Nobody Wants.

So, I didn't intend to actually make this as a pregnancy blog, but it seems to be heading that way. Or at least, there is very little else going on to blog about...the usual is happening pretty much every know, baby still cute, work still boring, yadda yadda.

But yesterday I get a call from the genetics department at my hospital. As you may recall, I hadn't seen my ultrasound results because the lab had not sent them to my OB in time for my last appointment, so I've been working a "no news is good news" basis. And then the call comes. They would like to review my ultrasound results with me and can I go directly to the genetics department at the hospital at 10 am tomorrow. "Its nothing really to worry about," said the woman on the phone, but the damage was already done. Genetics department? The next day? Yeesh. Obviously, there is SOMETHING to be concerned about.

So off we go this morning where at promptly 10 am, we are ushered into the office of a genetics counsellor. Her first words? "I guess the Genetics Department is the last place you want to get called to during your pregnancy, huh?" So far, not good.

She goes on to pull out my ultrasound results where, from what I can see, everything is checked off as normal. And then she starts talking about "genetic markers" and "soft signs of Down's Syndrome" and I know, obviously, she is going to tell us that I have one, or God forbid, more than one. But she says the ultrasound detected one called an "Intercardiac Echogenic Focus" and I interrupt her. "You mean, a bright spot on the heart?" Yes, she answers.

So, oddly enough, I had this exact same marker the last time. Apparently there are several "soft signs" which in and of themselves are essentially meaningless as long as all your blood work and other ultrasound checks were fine. But as soon as the words Down's Syndrome are mentioned in connection with YOUR baby you absolutely cannot help but be stressed. Last time when my OB mentioned this result off-handedly at my appointment and reassured me that it was highly unlikely that anything was wrong, I worried for a few weeks, regretted not getting the amnio, and then managed to put it out of my mind. And everything was just fine. So, this time, I still opted against the amnio and have decided to worry even less.

The counsellor agreed...based on the weakness of this marker and the fact that the rest of my test results were "perfect" and "fantastic" they do not recommend any further really, I'm left wondering...does it do any good at ALL to summon a pregnant woman to what seems very much like an emergency last minute appointment for this reason? I know, I know. They have little, if any, choice. It's the age of disclosure and if I had decided to go ahead with further testing - especially if one would consider termination based on the result - its better to do it sooner than later. It's just that nobody wants to get that phone call. And last time, the OB just told me in the office when I showed up for my appointment, so I'm just wishing they had done it that way again.

Oh, and another thing? We're not able to find out the gender. Every single box on the ultrasound report was ticked off as being "Fully Seen" except the box marked "Gender." So, I guess we'll find out the old fashioned the delivery room.


Steph said...

Well, it MUST be a girl then, if she's already being difficult! At least, that's what they told me....

Pregnancy is so scary. That's the part I didn't like. At all.

Anonymous said...

Old fashioned way... Arrrrggghhhhh!!!!!!