Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Thanks Mom, Every Time.

Remind me never to give my mother my blog address. 

Sweet Jesus, that woman can drive me nuts. She calls tonight to tell me they got home from my brother's safe and sound - which was nice but I'd sort of forgotten they WEREN'T home already. So, we're chatting about the usual things and then she inevitably gets to my pregnancy, which I sort of dread, because she is the double whammy of a pseudo-expert (4 kids and all, you know) AND is a colossal worrier. 

I tell her my appointment was just fine, that everything seemed A-OK and that I took my Glucose Tolerance test but haven't heard any results yet.

"What do you mean, Glucose Tolerance? Like for diabetes?" Her voice immediately changes to one of borderline panic. 

"Exactly Mom, but its standard now, I'm pretty sure everyone has to do it."

" Hmmm...THAT's weird." 

She does not believe me, obviously. She is clearly thinking that I have been red-flagged but she grudgingly lets it drop. And we move onto something else. However, near the end of the call, she tries again: "So what else did the doctor say? Did he say....(pause, while she tries to think of the least offensive way to say it)...you were ....gaining too much weight?" 

Sigh. "No Mom. They actually said my weight was "Good" whatever that means." 

Surprisingly, I didn't gain much at all despite the 4 week holiday binge I was on. However, I've gained  a total of 17 pounds since the start, which is actually better than last time around and completely within what the average is for women at my stage. Having said that, most of those 17 pounds are in my boobs, which are the last place I need extra weight and which I think makes me look all around bigger. (I swear I could carry stuff on my chest without using my hands anymore.)

Anyway, I know my mother all too well. She thinks I HAVE gained too much weight and that is why they are now testing me for gestational diabetes and nothing I'm going to say at this point is going to change her mind. So, I wrap up the call. And consider eating a bowl of sugar with a spoon, but I refrain. 

On another note....turned on the Jacuzzi jets tonight while Kieran was in the tub. Thought he would think it was funny. Except the water level was too low for the jets to be completely submerged and the result was a roaring geyser of water that sprayed about 6 feet in air soaking us both. I have never heard him scream with such genuine fear. I removed him from the tub immediately and he calmed down once the jets were completely off, but I'm still sort of laughing. 

He is soooooo gonna blog about ME one day. 


Steph said...

Omigod, I thought from your title that you HAD given your blog address to your mom. Phew!

Anonymous said...

THat last blog was an emotional rollercoaster!! hahaha Good ol' mom! and I CAN'T YOU SCARED OUR LITTLE BOY!!!!!
I swear you did it so you don't have to bath him anymore...
. hmmm

that Gen is smart... crap.

Anonymous said...

I forgot the world BELIEVE... yeah... you get the idea...