Monday, January 7, 2008

Melon Head Meltdown

Another weekend down the drain....all is good in the world.

We had a friend of mine staying with us since September who finally got her own apartment. Now that our spare room is vacated for the first time since last July (when we had a friend of Eric's staying with us for a couple months) we can start getting the room ready for Kieran, who will be graduating from his baby room to his own "big boy bedroom." The transition should give me a nice project for the next couple of know, since the more pregnant I get the more I'm sure I'll want to shop, decorate and move furniture. Guess we'd better get started....

Speaking of big boys...I keep thinking that it's time to get Kieran's haircut. I've been holding off because it was sooooo slow to grow into begin with, but now although it is still more or less sparse on top, its getting quite full and long at the back and is starting to resemble a baby mullet. So, on Saturday, we decided to forgo the boring barber and take him to the mall to one of those places that specialize in kids haircuts.

We walk into the salon and I tell the friendly girl at the counter that I think it might be time to cut our son's hair and she starts explaining to me how it works (the price includes a certificate! a photo! and a keepsake lock of hair!...etc, etc). And all of sudden, my eyes started to well up and I knew I was going to start to cry. I actually had to turn and leave Eric standing there with Kieran. The girl finished off by saying something like "...mothers are NEVER ready..." which apparently is true. I'm not sure why I reacted so emotionally since this is the same person who dropped her baby off dry-eyed at his first day of daycare, but I did. I guess I just realized how fast he is growing up and to cut off his first hair would be like saying goodbye to his babyhood. But still, I felt like a sap. Eric thinks the whole thing is hilarious. Regardless, our son will be keeping his mullet a big longer, at least until his mother gets her apparent rampant pregnancy emotions in check.

And finally, I had another OB check up today. All is well with the newest baby. Following the regular appointment, I had to go get my "glucose tolerance test." I remember from last time, being warned at having to drink this vile, sickeningly sweet, orange liquid before the test and then thinking it wasn't so bad. This time, the doctors assistant, as I was leaving, says cheerily:"enjoy the test, hope you don't throw up!" So off I go to the insanely busy hospital lab, where the nurse hands me the bottle, gives me the instructions and I take a seat. And the first sip is...well, I'm just going to go with delicious. It's sort of like drinking slightly sweeter orange pop...very reminiscent of that McDonalds Orange Drink that we used to have at Brownie's meetings and school Field Days. I had no trouble getting it down (obviously!) and felt just fine afterwards. I wonder if that is a good sign or bad?

1 comment:

Steph said...

I liked the orange goopy drink, too. I thought it tasted exactly as you described - and all turned out okay here!

BTW, can I link your blog on mine?