Friday, May 15, 2009

Space for Rant

Now that I am back in the "real world" (as opposed to the temporary fake world of play dates and nap times) I feel like I am assaulted by Pop Culture Reality. I guess because since I currently spent my daytime hours sitting at a desk with ample access to the Internet, with a huge TV right beside me, and grown-ups (well...maybe that's a stretch, but I mean that as a compliment to my co-workers) to converse with on a reliable basis I am more in touch with world at large.

And guess what? Real life is damned annoying.

Twitter, Dancing with the Stars, Swine Flu, People in the Tim Horton's lineup who order coffees and breakfast for the entire office. people asking me if I'm pregnant (or going to be), Jon and Kate Plus 8. These are just some of the things that now irk me on a highly regular basis.

In fact, I'm going to add Twitter to the list again because it's the most annoying and ubiquitous of all. Twitter was quite entertaining when it was only funny people who tweeted (God, did I just use that word? Kill me now). But now everybody is tweeting (retch), celebrities, teenagers, bloggers, journalists, the elderly. I live in mortal fear that one day I'm going to get an email from my mom telling me to "follow her on Twitter!". (Which is almost as frightening as the mere thought that she might one day find this blog. Almost.).

Dancing with the Stars I just don't, and never will, get. I'm not going to debate the lax and inappropriate use of the word "stars" (I'm sure there are tweets (gah!) galore on that subject). It's just the fact that it , along with its (to me at least) slightly less annoying cousin, American Idol, are actually covered on the news. As if it were actual news, people. The local morning radio segues right from Tamil protests into Adam Lambert clips. Its a bit alarming really.

The Tim Horton's people are just things that I had forgotten about while I was gone. I, along with just about everyone else in the country, go there on a semi-regular basis for my morning coffee and Tim's (at rush hour at least), is a well-oiled morning mat-cheen. Even the addition of a myriad of breakfast foods hasn't really slowed down the rush hour, the line moves quite swiftly with lightly toasted 12 grain bagels arriving in patrons hands mere seconds after their double doubles. Until you notice some schmuck ahead of you in line holding a piece of paper and the feeling of dread and annoyance settles in. Long lists of individual prepared coffees and breakfast sandwiches bog down the entire system, especially since, let's be honest, most people who are sent out to fetch large coffee orders are seldom the companies most efficient, indispensable employees. It's the interns and the newbies who are slow to count money and usually forget to ask for a receipt. It can throw off the entire day.

Anyway, it had been awhile since I had used this blog space to truly rant about the inane. Glad I got that all off my chest.

Now, off to enjoy the long weekend!!!

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