Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Duck

Kaya doesn't really say any words yet. I know that by his first birthday Kieran was already pointing at cars and saying, quite definitively, "Cah!" but Kaya doesn't have any predictable words. And she's way past a year old already, I mean, it's been like almost 10 days since her birthday.

So, last night I decided to take matters into my own hands, speaking-wise. Kaya's splashing around in the tub, loving her bath as usual.

I hold up a rubber duck.

Me: "Kaya! It's a duck! Can you say DUCK?"

Papaya: "Duh!"

Me: "Right! Duck! Very Good!"

Papaya: "Duh! Duh! Duh!"

Me: "Yay! Duck! OK, here's a boat, say BOAT."

Papaya: "Duh! Duh!"

Me "No, boat, with a B. BOAT."

Papaya: "Duh!"

Me: "OK, how about book. Can you say book? Say BOOK."

Papaya: "Duh!"

Me: "Oh forget it."

Papaya: "Duh!"

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