Saturday, October 18, 2008

Babies. Election. Satan. Not necessarily in that order.

So, for the first time since the Papaya was born 6 months ago, I had a baby (and toddler) free day yesterday. Almost 8 hours of pure selfishness...and you know what? Nice as it was, I'm not sure it was worth the $30 I paid in extra daycare costs. 

Not that there was anything wrong with the day itself, but the reality is...Kaya is just zero trouble. Seriously. This child just goes with the flow. Happy. Kicks her legs in unbridled joy when she realizes that you are about to pick her up.  She has suffered teething and a really nasty cold with no personality change. Unless you wipe her nose, in which case,  she screams and thrashes like Satan being burned with holy water.  

What made me realize that I had wasted my money was when I went to pick the kids up from daycare and the sitter tells me that Kaya is the "best baby she's ever had." (Guess they didn't go after her with a Kleenex). I wasn't surprised but my second thought was...why did I bother? I realized that although I can move a lot quicker when I'm not lugging an almost 16-pounder in an infant carrier everywhere, it's not a big deal. 

On a related note: we may have to tone down the use of the nickname "Papaya" since she is clearly beginning to think that is her name. Not sure I can stop now though. 


We had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend. Spent in the leafy utopia of North Andover, Massachusetts, where of course it was NOT Thanksgiving, but Columbus Day. I'm sure my brother and his family are among the few in the town who mark the Columbus Day weekend with turkey and wine. OK, maybe just the turkey. I suspect there are many people who spend the day guzzling wine. How could they not when confronted by the endless, hate-filled, drawn-out, country-dividing spectacle that is the American Election. Whatever the outcome, the end cannot come soon enough. The only thing I'll miss about the election being over is Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. (Its funny cause its TRUE.)

What a complete contrast to the speedy snoozefest that was the Canadian election. which was a face off between two of the LEAST interesting candidates in the entire history of mankind (let alone Canadian politics). And, of course, we ended with the same result we had going in. Thanks for wasting our time and money Harper, you dead-eyed fool. 


1 comment:

Steph said...

"Dead-eyed fool." Love it! It was a pretty big snooze. Even a political junkie like me could only muster feelings of disappointment out of the whole, sad, expensive thing.

I hope, despite the wasted $30, you did something fun and exciting. Or at least took a darned good nap!