Monday, June 8, 2009

Lights, Camera...That's my Baby!

So, you know how every time they interview the parents of some kid on American Idol they always say how their child has always loved to sing and, in fact, was singing before they could talk? If I thought much about that statement at all (which I usually didn't) I would have thought that was more or less impossible. We've all suffered through enough of those hideous audition shows to know that the ability to carry a tune is most definitely NOT a given.

Except, now I have that kid. Kaya, who still has not graduated much further past the already blogged about "Duh!" for duck, sings a semi- complete version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star in baby gibberish - even mimicking the words. I noticed this late last week when she was sitting on the floor singing to herself. Now singing, I think for a 14-month-old, probably isn't ALL that unusual. Except then I thought for a second that I recognized the tune, but I dismissed it as sort of impossible. After all, despite me waving her bottle in her face 4 times a day and saying "Want your bottle? Say Bottle. Bottle. BOT-TLE. BOTTLE!" I can get this child to repeat almost nothing. So, I have more or less, sort of dismissed her as any sort of prodigy.

Then it happened again and again and again. And she did it for Eric too. She is most definitely singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. Kieran is slightly put out since he considered that "his" song - but now they can sing it together.

Already, I'm thinking of taking her on tour, if anyone is interested. Or maybe we'll get our own show. Clearly there is massive money to be made by pimping out half-Asian toddlers. (I'm talking to YOU John and Kate...clearly your moment in the sun is nearly over.).

We just need to start working on her wardrobe (goodbye onesies and bucket hats, hello peekaboo sequin baby halter tops), stage presence (its never to early to learn to shake, shake, shake that booty). And I'm thinking maybe she needs a baby toupee (you know, the kind that everyone was accusing Tom Cruise of putting on his baby on the cover of Vanity Fair a few years ago). Right now, she looks more like Riff Raff from Rocky Horror Picture Show than Beyonce.

Don't worry I'm on it, people. Rest assured, I will not squander this opportunity to make money off my child.


Steph said...

You've gotta know this post is SCREAMING for a video clip....

Meg said...

couldn't she start out touring with Dadddy?! theres gotta be room for twinkle twinkle in the first set.... or maybe it should be the last one and get everyone rockin!