Thursday, June 4, 2009

Deep Dark Secrets

So, I stumbled across a blog the other day. The title of post I landed on was something like True Confessions, and the writer was asking the readers to post anonymously their deepest secrets. Things that they might never admit to out loud. The results were kind of scary. The confessions ranged from the ever-popular-and-predictable "I'm cheating on my husband" to "My husband died last year and I am secretly glad."

There was the one that made me snicker: "I lied and told my high school boyfriend I was pregnant to try to trap him and instead he gave me $300 for an abortion. I took the money and went to Florida for Spring Break."

There were also quite a few that were neither mundane nor funny, just horrible. ("I feel my son is not supposed to be alive and I wonder if I am subconsciously going to a make this happen.") And some were extreme enough to make me wonder if they were fake. Well, nobody admitted to murder or any crime...the confessions were more of personal and/moral nature.

It made me think about what I would write and really, I don't have all that much, if anything these days. I will be the first to admit that I am quite boring (which might quality as a confession, but certainly isn't a secret. )

My own secrets might range from the food-related - something like "I let Kieran eat chips for breakfast" or "I have wine gums stashed in the freezer."

Or maybe my confession might be the relatively unattainable: "I know I have said I was finished having kids, but I would like to have (E-Host) Joel McHale's baby."

I don't know. I guess I'd be happier if every one's deepest secrets were letting their children eat crap for breakfast (You do, right?) or to have a D-List celebrity's baby. The world would undoubtedly be a better place. Funnier at least.


Eric AKA Hubsand said...

you have wine gums stashed in the freezer?!...
<5 minutes later>
mmmm not anymore... =P

Eric AKA Hubsand said...

what?! Joel McHale? ..

he IS kinda funny...

carry on...