Saturday, February 7, 2009


I just read that a 56 year old woman has become the first person to swim across the Atlantic Ocean. Jesus. I'm happy if I make it to the mall. In a car.


If I continually weep at the Biggest Loser, does that, ironically, make me the Biggest Loser? Seriously, this show is now on Season 6 and why have I never even once watched it before? I love it. I love the fact that even though it's ostensibly a competition where you are voted out by your fellow competitors it's not that irritating Survivor-type where deserving people go home right off the bat. Or maybe I just like to watch really, really large people run. Makes me feel better about myself.


We had a family outing today. To the pawn shop. It's a really dingy little place, where you walk in to this tiny, foul smelling room that is essentially a cage and which makes Kieran cry. The sales people stand behind the bars and show you stuff that is apparently soooo valuable it must be separated from the patrons by Leavenworth-grade steel bars. We were there because Eric, last summer, while playing stupid baseball, got hit in the hand with a ball and had to remove his wedding ring just before he watched his finger swell up to 5 times its normal size. He says he thought he put the ring in the van for safekeeping but when he went to look for it later it was nowhere to be found. (I know, I know, likely story). Anyway, I had thought about replacing the ring for Christmas but decided to get him a computer keyboard stand instead. So, since obviously both of us have romance coursing through our veins we decided that we would check out this old neighbourhood pawn shop to see if we could get someone ELSE's ring. But there was nothing. Fingers crossed that more marriages break up so we can snag ourselves a good deal on used rings with bad karma.


I don't know what is going on with that baby of ours. For the past few nights she has been waking up at about 10ish and then again at about 1230 and screaming her head off inconsolably. Nothing will calm her down (bottle, soother, rocking chair, reruns of Lost, nothing. ) Last night was so bad she wound up sleeping in our bed for the first time in about six months. I slept fine with her there but Eric worries all night that he is going to crush her under his Hulk-like muscles so we'll see how tonight goes. So far its not good, but I made sure to guzzle some red wine early so with any luck I'll be able to sleep through her cries.


While eating his soup today and spilling some down his chin, Kieran mention again the apparent fact that he has a beak. He corrected himself, but I think it was half-hearted. I'm pretty sure he thinks he's a bird. But, I hope it's a cool bird like an eagle or a concord and not something wussy like a cockatoo.


Steph said...

Hope you're all sleeping like babies tonight. Okay, not like babies. More like people who've worked like lumberjacks all day and who fall into bed into a deep, blissful sleep. Or something.

Could it be her teeth?

Anonymous said...

True confessions: Tim and I LOVE The Biggest Loser! I can't believe you haven't watched it before. Every Tuesday night, we snuggle up on the couch and proclaim our fury about that stupid Joelle (who thankfully was sent home finally last week, but I feel bad for her partner).

Of course Kaya is starting to wake up in the middle of night. She needs to perfect the timing, duration and intensity of the crying so she gets it right when you are back at work. :)

Kieran should be a cardinal, with a beautiful orange beak. What a kid.