Tuesday, May 20, 2008

And I Don't Think I Have the Reciept

I think I broke the baby. 

And it was going so well too...

Don't get me wrong, the Papaya is still an excellent baby. During the day she is usually as good as gold, and cries only when necessary. She smiles all the time and is generally happy and contented. And our nights were pretty good with both us getting good five hour blocks of sleep. And then I stepped in. 

Because her 5 hour blocks of sleep occurred only when sleeping in our bed, I knew it was time to move her into her own crib, in her own room or risk waiting too long and then REALLY having a problem. The crib transition was last week... and it was going OK. 

THEN, wise mother that I am,  I decided that I needed to impose an actual bedtime and put her to bed awake. Maybe its just a coincidence, but suddenly its all gone to hell. Everything. If I put her to bed awake she cries. If I put her to bed asleep, she's awake in 5 minutes and cries. When she does fall asleep, her limit for sleep in the crib is 2 hours and then she wakes up and doesn't want to go back. I know the key is to be consistent. If she's going to sleep in her crib, and I want her to fall asleep awake, I have to work at it, but I'm weak. I keep thinking to myself...she's only 5 weeks old, why I am putting us both thru this? So, I give in and then, obviously, I'm back to square one.  And we're all tired. 

One night her wailing woke up her brother, who proceed to wake up about 3 more times after that and then was up for the day at 6:20, while Kaya was finally quite content to sleep in our bed until 8 am. Arrgh. 

Last night, it took three hours to get to sleep in her crib, she was up two hours later, two hours after that, 45 minutes after that, then 5 minutes after that and 5 minutes after that. So, at 5:45 she was back in our bed, sleeping like the proverbial baby. 

Anyway, I'm just tired. Yesterday, in the space of an hour I managed to smash an entire bottle of balsamic vinegar on the kitchen floor (beyond gross), clog the vacuum after sucking up Kieran's wayward sock and put rice in the rice cooker and then completely forget to turn it on. So, dinner was late (and dry), Eric had to take apart the vacuum to fish out the sock, and I'm still finding shards of glass and vinegar splatters in odd places in the kitchen. 

I know this will all pass and soon enough Kaya and her stupid mother will both be sleeping like babies, but in the short term...YAWN.


Anonymous said...

SIGH you spelt Receipt wrong =P

Well at least we now have a nice new rocker glider in both kids room...

Steph said...

Whoever coined the phrase "sleeping like a baby" is an evil, evil person who should be dragged behind something going a long, long way.

Is she having a growth spurt?