Sunday, February 28, 2010


So, clearly, I need to retract my most recent update. Imagine that, I'm away from this blog for months, come back here to write an irate post about Canada's Olympic athletes crashing and burning and now, here I am, during the Closing Ceremonies writing a happy retraction. In fact, I am happy to report, that after an iffy first week of the Games, those athletes DID rise up and claimed more Gold Medals than any other country has ever done during the Winter Games. Yay!!!

But perhaps, since it was during the writing of my last blog that the tide turned in our favour, so I thought I might as well just go out on a limb and take credit for the turnaround. I write...they listen.

But, as usual, I am sad the Games are over and have to go back to regular life and routine. As of right now, I can go back to being oblivious and totally unconcerned about things like the weather conditions at Cypress Mountain.

I do take solace in the fact, however, that come the next Winter Olympics my children will be 6 and 8 years old and hopefully, will allow me to watch the Games uninterrupted. Today, during the Gold Medal Hockey Game that had this entire country gripped in front of their plasma screens, Kieran must have asked me 4000 questions... could Hide and Seek, build his train, take a bath, decorate cupcakes, go outside, watch Mickey Mouse, watch Scooby Doo, read him Pirate Pete, go to the "lunch store", listen to music, have hot chocolate, have juice, and on and on and on. Although, he did learn how to sing O Canada. It's his new favourite song. He fell asleep tonight singing it to himself.

Go Canada!!!


Caro said...

Aw what a patriotic little lad. It's weird to think of them as being 6 and 8 in only a few years.....

Krissie (aka Boston sister-in-law) said...

Well, Carolyn, just think of yourself as being 22 for the next winter olympics! I, of course, will still be 39. :) Nice retraction, Gen! You will no doubt be relieved to know that none of the 3 Galvin children in US high school were physically harmed by classmates today, despite their "glowing hearts" and
"standing on guard for thee" attitudes after yesterday's win. YAY CANADA!!!